You’ve probably heard that the mind is a powerful thing. That’s because the mind and the body are intertwined, often affecting one another. Your mental health can affect your physical health and vice versa. Although we still don’t understand everything about the mind-body connection, there are a few things we can share. Our Bodies React to How We Think Have you wondered why bad things seem to happen when you’re in a bad mood? It’s because your thoughts and emotions at the time impact your body. In other words, if you have negative, self-destructive thoughts, your body reflects those thoughts. On the other hand, if you choose to think positively,.
After the year we’ve had, we could all benefit from more self-care in 2021. Luckily, taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be hard. Take a look at these five easy self-care resolutions for a happier and healthier new year. Make Sleep a Priority We’ve all been guilty of staying up late to accomplish a goal or to hang out with loved ones. However, make 2021 the year you prioritize sleep. Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do to care for your body since it aids in restoring energy, reducing stress, and improving your mood. Establish a bedtime and develop a nighttime routine to.
Whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or some other holiday, the month of December can be straining on the body. There’s so much to do and little time to do them. One thing you should make time for this December is taking care of your mental and physical health. Keep reading to see how your body is being impacted by the holiday season and what you can do to avoid the negative effects. Injury This year may be different, but some things stay the same. For example, hanging decorations around the house is an activity that many people will continue to do this year. Shopping in stores for hours to.
While the holidays this year may look different, there are some things that will stay the same. One thing that remains the same is the impact of the holidays on your body. During this time, your body is subject to injury, burnout, and weight gain. If you aren’t careful, you could be starting the new year with a damaged body. Take a look at the ways the holiday season can negatively impact your body and what you can do to prevent these things from happening. Injuries Throughout November, your body is under constant pressure. Think about it. You’re constantly raking leaves, cleaning the house in preparation for guests, and cooking..
We’ve all felt stress at one point or another. This year, in particular, has been a stressful one; so if you’ve been feeling stressed lately, you are not alone. Let’s take a closer look at what stress is, how it affects our body, and ways to reduce it. What is Stress? Stress is the body’s physiological response to danger or a challenging situation. When faced with danger, our body has a natural ability to get away from the danger. Your body is equipped with a sympathetic nervous system, also known as your body’s “fight or flight” mechanism, that defends you from danger. When you’re stressed, your sympathetic nervous system will.